Used and Reconditioned Vauxhall Engines

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Cheap Vauxhall engines to buy online

Whether you’ve got a 20 year old Cavalier or a Zafira that’s just out of warranty, if you need a Vauxhall engine, is the place to look. We give you the opportunity to buy engines from leading Vauxhall engine suppliers in the UK, all in one place, with the option to wait for a quote or buy it now. If the engine goes on your car it’s rendered useless. Repairing or replacing an engine is generally the most expensive maintenance issue your car or van could encounter. Vauxhall has been ranked as the fifth worst manufacturer in terms of engine reliability according to research by Warranty Direct, who state a 1 in 41 failure rate.

Breakers with used and reconditioned Vauxhall engines ready to dispatch

Our network of independent car breakers is distributed across the UK. A number of these sellers have Vauxhall engines in stock and ready to dispatch. You can choose from reconditioned, used, or low mileage Vauxhall engines, all of which come supplied with a warranty - check the details you’ll receive from the seller for more information. can help you to source a single engine part, a bare engine or a full complete engine. If you need the engine to come with a fuel pump, injectors and so on, you’ll need to choose a complete engine. If you have any questions about which engine you need, you can message our sellers to talk directly with them.

Vauxhall gearboxes also available

In addition to Vauxhall engines, you can also use to source used gearboxes. We work with breakers who stock manual and automatic Vauxhall gearboxes that are much cheaper than buying off the shelf at a parts retailer or through a garage.

Our customers use because they want to save money. New engines can be prohibitively expensive. For many car owners, if the engine goes it’s time for the car to go to the scrap yard in the sky. However, this doesn’t have to be the case. Breaker yards are often able to salvage engines from Vauxhalls that have been scrapped. There are many reasons why a car or van might be scrapped, for example damage to the chassis that would cost too much to repair. There are likely to be perfectly serviceable parts on the car that would do someone else a turn. A well-maintained engine can last for a great many years. Vauxhall engines sourced from breaker yards can give your car a new lease of life and keep it going for numerous years to come.

Our network of independent breakers

The independent car breakers we work with are situated around the country. To find out if they’re stocking the exact engine you require you don’t need to visit or ring each of them in turn. Instead, you can fill in our Find a Part box you supply us with as many details about your car as possible and we’ll provide you with quotes and buy it now options for used Vauxhall engines from scrap yards all over the country.

Our flexible service can save you time and money. No more driving around from breaker yard to breaker yard on a wild goose chase. You can search for engines from the comfort of your own home and sit back and wait for the quotes to come in before choosing the best price or buy it straight away.

Wide range of Vauxhall engines

With cars and vans ranging in size from the Agila city car to the long wheelbase Movano van, Vauxhall manufactures a range of engines to suit. So if you’re looking for a 2.3CDTI with some grunt or an ecoFLEX 1.0l 12v, simply use our Find a Part box to search for the engine you need and wait for the quotes to come to you. Alternatively, you can see some of the engines that are ready and waiting in stock at some of our independent breakers below and buy them now. From scrap yards, you can find diesel and petrol engines.